
By Boomerang

Misty start

Bertie and I started the day with an enjoyable walk, despite the hills being shrouded in mist. There was enough of a breeze to keep the midges away so I was able to stop at intervals and enjoy our surroundings without being bitten. I watched as a Great Spotted Woodpecker darted from tree stump to tree stump, looking for its breakfast. It seemed to be enjoying some success. Amongst the grass were colourful patches of wild flowers: golden Birds Foot Trefoil, blue Speedwell and creamy Bedstraw. Occasional spires of pink Foxgloves are also beginning to appear.
Back home I spent an hour completing a sewing task that I had started back in November, a throw constructed from baby blankets. These belong to my two great nephews who no longer have a use for them so their mum (my niece) asked me if I could possibly turn them into two throws which the boys could continue to use for a few years. I always like a challenge but hadn’t realised how long it would take to hand sew the little (mostly knitted) blankets onto a backing sheet. However, the first one is finally complete (extra) and the second one should be much quicker now that I have worked out a system for doing it.

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