Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

A Day of Two Halves!

This morning was rather nice, I did some washing and hung it out then did a bit of weeding...I detest Willowherb! The sun was so warm that the washing dried in no time.
My next task was putting together a couple of chicken pies, I was rather pleased with them and we had one for dinner tonight.
After lunch I headed into town to John Lewis, the traffic was flowing freely and I was early for my appointment as the bus sped along - as it should.
I was walking along at the East end - dreaming away and enjoying the singing of the young lady who was busking - it really is a high tech art these days. All of a sudden I spotted this chap at the top of his abseil rope, he was enjoying the music too! I did wonder if this could be a potential money spinner for the Christmas Funfair and get some windows cleaned too!
My free facial lasted almost 45 minutes which seems a pretty good deal, lol. I've also signed up for one of their client evenings in a couple of weeks. Jenner's used to do them and they were always fun with a glass of fizz and lots of freebies. Clarins are very good at freebies. There is a ticket charge but it's refundable against purchase which is usually quite easy.
I headed to the bus station for my bus home, the traffic was building up, but I wasn't too delayed. I'd just put my key in the door when the heavens opened. Hailstones were bouncing off the windows and the slabs making a terrific racket. I was very glad I'd made it home.
Not long after, the traffic ground to a halt outside our door in both directions. 3. 30 is far too early for rush hour traffic normally but for the last 6 months or so it's become the norm. They really have messed things up seriously this is the main road in and out of town from the North and it used to be free flowing. There never used to be queues going into town of an evening, now it's every day. As for going out of town... Colin left to drop something at Ali's just after I got home. 30 minutes later she phoned to say he hadn't arrived yet - it's a 10 minute drive - 15 minutes later he walked in our door. He'd given up and turned back as the roads had ground to a halt. He'd then made the mistake of going over to the Glasgow Road to see if that was any better and by the time he'd found out it wasn't it was too late with no opportunity to turn back again.
He'd parked the car 10 minutes walk away from here as it was the nearest he could get. We walked over and got it after dinner when the traffic had finally cleared and the rain was off. Surely this will have to improve, this can't be the way to do things.

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