Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK....

I was woken this morning by a phone call from a member of the congregation telling me that the large rose by the carpark had fallen overnight and was blocking access to part of the carpark. I know the Rector is on paternity leave and I know that the Rector's warden and I are the points of contact, but really?
Any way I soothed and pacified and on my way to Ali's checked out said rose. As I feared, it wasn't the 20 foot tall rose, nor the entwining honeysuckle, nor even the ivy which held it all together which was the problem. The real issue was the half dead cherry tree which had been invisible for years in the middle of it all and which had been holding everything up. That had broken and the tree had fallen bringing everything else with it.
Part of the car park was blocked off, but no damage had been done fortunately, however the Scout trailer, which they store in our grounds, was blocked into its corner.
I was worried that the camping season had started and it might need to be moved so sent a text to check.
In response, I got a reply saying it wasn't needed and that furthermore someone would come with a chain saw this evening and clear the tree. After further contact it emerged that 4 Explorer Scouts and 2 leaders would come with loppers and would clear the tree for us.
I didn't feel we could leave them to get on with it, so Colin and I armed with gardening gloves headed round to the church at the appointed time.
I had forgotten how effective motivated teenage boys could be. Although I did do my bit too! In about an hour and a half we had the foliage cleared, the trunk cut up with the chain saw and all of the waste piled into the trailer so they could take it to the tip for us - wow!
We treated them all to a supper from the chip shop and left them tucking in in the sunshine. They'd earned it.
Tomorrow's job - contacting the council for replacements for the two bins which, when we eventually got into the tree, we discovered had caught the tree on its way down. We were very grateful to them as being held off the ground made it much easier for us to cut it up! Sadly the bins took a bit of a beating!
My blip is of one of the roses - the plant has survived btw it's just a bit shorter! You can just see the roof of the church peeping out of the top.
There's also a before and after picture of the tree in the extras.

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