
By SparseRunner


Today I walked Django, and got back in time to do some work before stopping abruptly and running for the bus. It took me into Edinburgh, where I met with one of my undergraduate class, who wanted to do a final year project with me. I'd seen his mark for the programming course, and wasn't expecting to take him on. However, he gave me a good story for the mark, and was a likeable guy, so I agreed. 

After that, I attended the second half of a session in the University's "Festival of Impact". It was rather dull, although it was good to hear one of the speakers say that academics should avoid self-importance when engaging with folk outside academia.

After lunch I forged on with programming the interface enhancement, breaking off for an hour to introduce HiGHS to our new Business Development Executive. I went home a bit earlier than I might, and was caught in an awfully heavy downpour. Thankfully I had my jacket, but I had to change completely when I got home. There I cooked for A before she went out for the evening. 

Penicuik has a Belgian Consulate - since the Consul married a woman from Penicuik - and it was flying its new flag today. I hope that the result of the building works next door won't jar too much with the old Town Council Chambers. 

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