
By SparseRunner


Today it was almost sunny when I walked Django. On my return I started refactoring an interface in HiGHS so that I can add functionality. Although it's not a priority in some ways, the author of the particular solver is about to take up a job where he can't work on the code, so I want to make the most of having him "on call". 

In the evening I gave a talk to a Brazilian company that is paying us to support their use of HiGHS in a project that needs open-source solvers. Due to the time difference it didn't start until 19:00, which was 21:00 for И - who is on holiday with her family - so I appreciated her making the effort to join. 

A had a bad day, and is doing the evening dog walk in pouring rain. All I have to do is listen out for the timer to take a cake out of the oven. I'll go and wash up...

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