
By CleanSteve

A woodpecker after feeding in the gloom

I saw this woodpecker on the suet feeder outside our back door, but by moving to my camera bag I disturbed it. It flew directly to our other (sunflower) feeder on the patio and I decided to take my camera upstairs to my study. 

By the time I was ready it had retreated to the nearby stump of the thus tree, which is a favoured vantage point, where it often eats the seeds it has gathered. I managed to gingerly open the study window and got this single shot before it noticed me and flew away. It was very gloomy and I only realised afterwards that I hadn't checked the settings and particularly changed the ISO to auto, so the image looked almost black when I first viewed it. I have tried hard to retrieve it as I rather like this view of the woody.

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