
By CleanSteve

An unknown moth visiting my study

Moths regularly fly into my study, as we live right on the edge of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, (AONB) which has a wealth of wildlife, mostly untainted by modern pesticides, it being too steep to be 'ploughed' and 'farmed' in a modern manner.

Even so the numbers have reduced  hugely in recent years. So a visit from a strange and tiny moth is a delight for me. It is less than an inch from wingtip to wingtip. I saw it last night on my ceiling and by the time daylight had arrived it moved to the edge of my window frame.

As soon as I'd grabbed this photo, I opened the window and released it. My study isn't an ideal environment for its survival. I'm posting it to the Tiny Tuesday challenge which Incredibish has most gallantly been hosting for the last few weeks. Many thanks are due to him.

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