
By Mrsmacdub


I slept very well last night and didn’t stir for just over nine hours. I didn’t use cushions for my hand and I think that made all the difference. 

It’s been very cold today so we’ve stayed indoors again. MrM has a cold and isn’t feeling 100% but hopefully he’ll feel better tomorrow.

I have decided to make my own kombucha rather than buy it from the supermarket, because then I can control what goes into it.  The SCOBY  (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) arrived today and MrM helped me start the process.  The blip shows the jar containing the mixture of filtered water, tea, sugar and the SCOBY, complete with colourful hat.  Now I wait for three to five days to taste it before starting the second fermentation.

I’ve managed to catch up with blip today but have decided that, from now on, I’m only going to post intermittently.  I’ve found it quite a struggle to do a daily blip over the last few weeks (which may possibly have something to do with Covid brain), let alone keep up with responding to comments on my blips and dropping in to the journals of blippers I follow.  I do love blip, especially seeing what other blippers are doing in their daily lives and it’s a very caring and sympathetic space, which is why I don’t want to stop blipping altogether.  I always appreciate the kind, funny, caring and generous comments on my blips and feel I’m not participating properly if I don’t respond. I’m sure you’ll understand.

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