
By tridral

Hen bren, strwythur newydd

Hen bren, strwythur newydd ~ Old wood, new structure

“Since you are mortal, you need to cultivate / Two concepts: that tomorrow is the only day / You will see the light of the sun / yet also that you will live fifty more years with overwhelming riches.”
― Bacchylides

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Er mwyn gwneud lle i'r cwt, roedd yn rhaid i mi dynnu trawstiau pren i lawr oedd dros y decin.  Nawr rydw i'n ceisio eu defnyddio i wneud to dros ben yr decin, y tu ôl i'r cwt. Doedd dim llawer o amser gyda fi heddiw oherwydd y glaw, felly mae'r gwaith yn gynnydd ... yn araf

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In order to make room for the hut, I had to take down wooden beams that were over the decking. Now I'm trying to use them to make a roof over the top of the decking, behind the hut. I didn't have much time today because of the rain, so the work is progressing .... slowly

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen drawstiau pren
Description (English):  Old wooden beams

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