Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Little Man had nursery this morning and was dropped off by bike (much to his delight). I then picked into Woerden for work. My mum picked him him up. I came home to a very happy boy. He was put to bed for a sleep, but spent an hour laying, awake, in bed. So I got him up. We went on a walk, did some food shopping for my mum, for dinner and went for car ride to another supermarket with my dad to get cereal (our local supermarket is more expensive). Little Man loved the car journey. It started raining just before we left for the second supermarket and it rained on and off all evening. 

I got Little Man ready for bed whilst my parents were finishing off the meal preparations. Sanne came round for dinner and left after my dad and I did. We went to a church meeting, together.

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