Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Hectic Day

I went into Woerden today, for work. I have a meeting tomorrow morning so I won't be able to go in then. Thankfully Ferm Werk let me swop my shifts around, for a second week in a row. Next week will be back to normal.

For some reason, I decided to go by bus rather than bike, which turned out to be a good decision. It was very overcast today and it poured with rain on the bus journey home. I was able to leave work early (as there was nothing to do) so I popped into the town centre and printed some photos out for Little Man's photo album, which is coming along very nicely. I just haven't had the time to do a lot of work on it recently. I've been too busy. As I was walking into Woerden I went past this field of deer and had to take a few photos.

When I got home Little Man was a bundle of energy. He kept me busy all afternoon. I didn't mind but I was really tired by the time I left for life group.

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