
By KateH

Good buy

My new umbrella bought at the Tate is near perfect.  Bright.  Tick.  Light Tick. Strong. Tick.  I’ve been buying a few more Muji ultra light ones ready for when they close in the UK (so many businesses closing, it used to be ones I had hardly heard of now it’s aspirational favourites such as Vampire’s Wife but also maker of fine oven gloves Thornback & Peel, and Bombshell dresses made by an old friend). 

Anyway this is really me saying it rained and rained today and I got a lot of use out of my bright new umbrella.   

Up to the office and then into the Grade for episode 3 which looks lovely. I had to leave a bit early and go back to the office for a meeting.  

Caught the usual train home and watched another nerve shredding episode of Ripley.  

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