Living my dream

By Mima


Today's Blip was going to be long riff on the fact that 25 years ago today my Pirate died. However I haven't been feeling particualry reflective about him and our life and love. 

It was what it was. It is what it is. 

Meeting him changed the course of my life in a huge way. Outliving him likewise. 

I still love him, miss him at times, but - as I have said before - my thankfulness for his presence in my life completely outweighs any sadness I occasionally feel about the fact he's no longer here.

He's there in the main with Polly and Ghi, our red-collared lorikeets on his shoulder: they loved licking his moustache. A favourite photo.

So now onto what has been occupying me most of the day - and which might well not have ever happened had I not met the Pirate, such are the vicissitudes and coincidences of life...

My feijoa trees (native to South America and known as pineapple guavas elsewhere) are located right next to the tap at the side of the drive, which I use every morning to wash buckets. As a result I remember that feijoas like plenty of water and they get a daily dose. 

The consequence this year is that I have some of the most enormous fruit, while most people locally have tiny ones or none at all because of the drought.

May is the month when they start to ripen and fall. I am picking up a dozen or so each day from beneath the trees. 

Today was the day to start making jam. I should have planned ahead and bought a new sack of sugar when I was in town yesterday: I used the final 1kg added to 1kg of feijoas to make four jars today. I have several more kg of fruit to process, so sugar is the number one item on the shopping list. 

The other task today - successfully crossed off the list - was to attach the new zip to the second hand fleece jacket. I took my time, stuck pins into my fingers and swore a few times, undid a small area which went awry, and eventually triumphed. It is now in the wash and will be part of my sloppy winter wardrobe very soon.

A good day. With a Pirate in my heart as always.

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