What a squash
I continue to Be Sensible. Indoor pottering governs the day.
This squash had developed a patch of mould and needed to be used before it went off. Fortunately last week's tomato and lentil soup was finished at lunchtime, so I cut this beast up and made a batch of squash, rosemary and garlic soup for lunches this week.
When I made impromptu cheese yesterday I failed to realise it was going to create a logjam of cheeses airdrying on the shelf in the truck. There are three there, which I had considered Blipping. But because they all look the same it was a pretty boring image.
They may look the same, but in a few weeks they will look very different from each other: one will be covered in blue mould (Farmhouse Blue); one will have patchy mould and a good rind (Caerphilly); and one will remain cream coloured and smooth (Canadian Farmhouse).
I nipped into town this afternoon to return some due library books, to drop off some eggs with the Macdubs and to buy a 70cm zip.
I bought a bargain fleece jacket at the St John shop last week, but realised when I got it home that the zip was defunct (which is probably why it was in the opp shop). I unpicked the old one yesterday and will attach the new one tomorrow. Another indoor job to keep me Being Sensible.
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