horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Damsel (not in distress)

Really nice walk in the sun out at Aberlady today. I'd lugged the big camera, but it turned out the bug life was much more interesting, so I was pleased I'd taken the macro lens. This Common Blue Damselfly (I think, could be an Azure) was fab, as were the Five Spot Burnet Moths, and the inappropriately named 'Dark Green' Fritillary.

Which was a better start to the day, and what had been a fantastic 20 mile ride up to that point (getting the miles in before breakfast, being virtuous), when an eejit in a Rover did his best to kill me (the video, surprisingly, contains no swearing - I'll be sending it to the police). Worst thing about incidents like this (only about my third in the 12 odd years I've been riding in Edinburgh) is the tension it creates at home. Basically Mel doesn't want me riding... Generally I don't tell her about the little things that go on, but this one had me off the bike, legs shaking afterwards.

Anyway, the sun has restorative powers, and even managed to watch the end of the Wimbledon final (on a brief sortie inside to make a post-BBQ dessert for later). I'm not Murray's biggest fan (I'm not the biggest tennis fan) but the boy done good - he's stepped it up and thoroughly deserved that win. I just wish the tell y people would stop focussing on famous people in the crowd, and that Sue Barker would stop just asking Andy's opponents what they thought of Andy (she did it last year to Federer as well).

Now, beer is in hand and I'm off out into the sun again.


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