This is the day

By wrencottage

Hardy Geraniums

I spent the morning doing a job which was very fiddly, but gave me a lot of satisfaction. 

We had been sent a link to a folder containing all the wedding photos (over 500 of them!) taken by the official photographer, but when I imported them into my Mac it all looked very strange because they weren’t in correct chronological order. It certainly didn’t make for an enjoyable browse through them, because they were so jumbled up. Added to that, they had been imported with the date and time of import showing in the EXIF, rather than when the photos were actually taken. (That was probably my fault for not importing them correctly.)

Anyway, I managed to extract the genuine EXIF information from the photos using some software, only to discover that one of the cameras that had been used for the photoshoot was set to the wrong date and time. In fact, the first photo taken by that camera was dated 20th January 2020 at 02.18 am! It took a lot of working out, but I managed to batch change all the photos taken by that camera, bringing them forward 4 years, 3 months 6 days and various minutes and seconds. Having done that, it was so satisfying to see everything back in the right order, and to be able to enjoy the day all over again through the photos. 

After lunch I ironed all my granddaughters’ clothes which I had been given to wash (because they had become impregnated with brick dust from the building work, which had somehow found its way into their wardrobe). I did a quick photoshoot round the garden after that, which I finished just before the family arrived unexpectedly to chill out at our house once again, so that was good timing. 

These geraniums are hardy; much more so than Granny and Grandpa!

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