This is the day

By wrencottage

Youthful energy ...

… something that Smithers and I can no longer lay claim to, sadly! We’re both absolutely wiped out after a busy few days looking after our three sons and their families, with all the cooking and laundry that it entailed. We’re hoping for a very quiet Bank Holiday Monday but of course there’s no guarantee it will happen. 

These youngsters were having a ball chasing each other round the garden today. I also saw a juvenile woodpecker tucking in to the sunflower seeds. I’d love to see some tiny baby birds in the garden, but so far there’s no sign of any, nor any nests nearby – although I did hear a warning cry from a blackbird yesterday, going on for several minutes, from over the fence. Shortly afterwards the cat from a few doors down appeared in our garden, which was presumably what had alarmed the blackbird, so maybe there is a nest full of eggs in the vicinity after all. I live in hope.

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