Opening new doors
That's me taking a selfie as I'm about to walk through the doors to my new job.
Evening shit today. Got off at 9pm. Big change for Buddha. And as it happened we had a thunder this afternoon and he was alone in the house. I could see that he had messed the guestroom bed completely. So he's been truly afraid. Tomorrow will be easier for him as I have another evening shift, but my husband comes home from the work.
I'm quite tired as I woke up at 5:40 with my husband this morning. I moved the lawn, watered the backyard, washed my car, walked Buddha twice, did my pilates and made lunch for me. Adding everything new from today at work, I think my brain will be on overdrive tonight.
BTW, I with no formal training, have 4 days of induction and then I'm a "full member of the staff", when people who have started 4 years ago with nurse qualifications had 3 weeks of induction. Money really talks. LOUDLY.
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