
By pensionspoet

Home alone

It is now the end of the second day of my weekend at home alone. The weather has been atrocious all weekend, with barely an hour today without rain, leaving my back garden severely flooded.

Yesterday I started to do some crafting with my cards and cutting machine, but I kept jumping about from one thing to another and didn’t really achieve much by the end of the day. But I did manage to find Bridgerton series 3 and watched episodes 3 and 4 - 1 and 2 being watched Friday night.

Today the crafting didn’t start until the afternoon. Morning I went to the allotment between showers, and tied up my bean sticks. I planted some runner bean seeds but they are ones I collected from last year’s beans, so I don’t know how successful they will be. I was pleased to see my peas and mange tout are still there, and growing. On my way walking back home, I met a lady who had lost her dog. I walked up to her house with her, and said I’d have a search in the fields behind. An hour later still no sign of black spaniel Frank. I went home, grabbed a quick cup of coffee and my bike. It then started to rain again, but I felt I needed to search further. My only other plan for the day was card making, and I decided that could wait.

I met the lady again on my way out, and 2 other people who were searching for him. Still no sign so I went off for a long ride, along a byway behind the fields where he had last been seen, then up the road to Aylmerton. I ended up at Felbrigg and stopped for a cup of tea and a cheese scone. It was busy with families dodging the rain. Home via the main road but no sign of the dog so hopefully he found his way back. I’ll walk up to the house tomorrow to find out.

Then started on my card making. The thunder and lightning started and I couldn’t even hear the radio the rain was so loud in the conservatory. I made a bit of progress, had some fun, then decided to cook myself something interesting for dinner. I’d taken chicken out of the freezer to make a curry, but ended up creating crispy chilli chicken in my tiny air fryer. Very pleased with the result - it was very tasty!

Now I’m trying my hardest to hit the 40,000 words mark with my book. I’ve written about 900 tonight- just another 300 to go. It’s a psychological barrier I’ve got to pass.

I expect it will be another late night!

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