
By MrsK277

The worry of pets.

Glutton for punishment, FK wanted to go out delivering again today. Another double-dip day! We also had Buddy the cavapoo to keep us company. It wasn't such an enjoyable area and I was conscious of Buddy getting too hot so we'd had enough after 2hrs. The second dip was even more refreshing. Later FK watered the plants with all the water, before I washed and cleaned it round,  before refilling. Although I'd forgotten I set the hose going and it overflowed! So much for reusing the water.
When I gave Buddy back, I told Dan about a little blister I'd just noticed above his turned out to be a tick, I was distraught, but I think Dan managed to get it all out. He reckons that it was when he took him over the downs yesterday as there was so much blood in it. Eek!

I made some Angel Whisper cakes for Baking Belles WI group tomorrow.
Chatted with Lizzie. It's been a tricky week for her. The boy cat, Pie had jumped out of his cage before she got him in the vets...missing all week, she'd had a call this morning to say he'd been found.
I wandered over to the park to meet Jo, Harriet, Matilda and her mum and dad for a cuppa in the park. Lovely to catch up with them. The Alliums in the park are at their best.

The game is set up for an Essex win tomorrow. 

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