
By RadioGirl

My Derelict Garden

What with the almost incessant rain over the past many months and the ongoing sorting through the two properties, the front garden at the bungalow is looking utterly neglected. I’m so ashamed of it, but there’s not much I can do until the move has happened and I’ve got more time and opportunity to concentrate all my efforts on it. I’m very happily single, but I have to say that this particular situation of having to tackle everything on my own is a bit of a downside. My sister has offered to help with completely re-doing this bit of the front garden, and we’ve definitely got our work cut out. It’s a strip of ground across the width of the house which used to be neatly covered with shingle, six large terracotta pots positioned along its length containing bright red geraniums, and a pretty pink rambling rose in the middle climbing up between the windows. But now the membrane beneath the pebbles has disintegrated with age and it’s become a terrible mess of weeds, which have also shot up in the flowerpots where the geraniums ought to be. When we’ve dug it out, put several thicknesses of new membrane down and added extra shingle, I’m going to get some reclaimed bricks and put them around the whole area as a border, which will make it easier to keep the grass tidy along its edge.

But for now, to my great sorrow, this part of the garden is only fit for an appearance in the DerelictWeek challenge. Thank you to Marlieske for hosting.

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