
By RadioGirl

Mono Monday - Through a Window

Not just through “a” window, actually - this is one of my brand new windows, which were fitted last Tuesday. I’m still wandering around the house admiring them! As you can see, the tiny roses are coming out on the climber at the front. Lots more buds too. At least you can’t see all the weeds from this angle (see yesterday’s blip). I’ve put the colour version in Extras to show the pretty pink of the roses.

I cleared out the enormous sideboard/dresser today, which was another trip down memory lane. I managed not to get quite so emotional this time, but the most poignant finds were all the professional photos from my late sister Kaye’s wedding back in 1979, and newspaper announcements of our parents’ wedding 30 years earlier in 1949. Tomorrow afternoon I will just need to pack all the china which is on display into boxes ready to take to auction. I really hope one of the charities will accept the desk and dresser - they are both dark wood so it’s not a given. I would hate to throw them on the tip, as they’re well-made from solid wood.

Many thanks to Carolina for doing a great job as host of May’s Mono Monday challenge.

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