The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

The Scrap Heap

A full day…headed over to Wooler this morning to photograph the Ford at the Haugh Head for the camera club project. It was a lovely morning for a drive. Met my cousin as I pulled up into the farmyard and had a natter before donning my wellies and heading down to the ford. I had thought I’d be able to paddle about taking some shots but the rain of the last few days had the water running full spate so I had to stick to the bridge and banks. Play was stopped when I got the memory card full sign showing for slot 1 because of course I didn’t have a spare! Enjoyed a cuppa and chat with my cousin and his wife before I headed home again.

I had time for a quick bite to eat and a change of clothes before heading over to Berwick to meet the boys for a trip to the Maltings to see the Northern Ballet perform the Tortoise and the Hare. It was only about 40 minutes long but very well done…the wee one was too tired to enjoy it, though I’m sure he’ll talk about it plenty tomorrow.

Farmyards are always a minefield of dereliction and this heap jumped out at me and begged to be blipped! The gate appears to be in much better nick than many of those still in use in deepest Yorkshire…I could arrange for it to be couriered down! ;-))

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