The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

These Boots

……………………………were made cause for consternation when my camera club colleague and I spotted them this afternoon at the docks! Extra shows what we found on further investigation!!

A day consisting mainly of boats…the dock has been pretty busy since two boats arrived on Wednesday afternoon but it’s been too wet to go over and do some photography. The Elisabeth S was back for another load of logs to take to Genk and the Bon Vivant was loading with oil seed rape to be delivered to Erith. I spent a couple of hours this morning watching (and photographing) them both being loaded. I headed back mid afternoon to see the log boat departing, they had hoped both boats would catch the high tide but the Bon Vivant wasn’t finished being loaded until 5pm…it will be piloted out about 4am on the next tide, I don’t think I’ll be around to see it though!

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