Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Morocco Day 1

Up at 3am.
Bad enough the time but the alarm refused to switch off. I ended up having to unplug it.
Bags arrived at 3.30am and took us to the airport. Very good of her I have to say.
Then the hell that is Edinburgh Airport began!
It has had an 'upgrade' ....... my backside!
No room for people to move about or pass each other, miles of taped corridors mazes to get to the check-in desks, a distinct lack of staff. To top it off you now have to take your cases and put them on the conveyor belt yourself.
Then the fun really starts!!
More miles of tape maze with staff constantly changing the route through them. Companions and hand luggage get separated so it is a miracle if you all get through security with all you property.
We saw one case that didn't make it in one piece - it was lying on the tarmac, burst open with half its contents strewn around when we were boarding. The 'good' news was that it was all gattered up, put in a plastic bag and brought on board and put in crew locker - the bad news was that she was going to need a new case to even get out of the airport in Paris. Poor girl - she wasn't happy.

It was a lovely sunrise when we took off - it was raining in Paris when we landed.
Charles De Gaul airport is massive - and we saw it all!
A slight hic-up had us changing terminals (miles of walking) and then having to walk all the way back again - through more passport control but luckily only one hand luggage check. We ended up with an 'exit' stamp in out passports for a country with officially didn't enter!  It gave one of the girls on security a good laugh. It was just as well we had hours to kill in the airport.

I have to say, it is a lovely airport - so much better than Edinburgh (mind you, a cesspit is better than Edinburgh), although I wasn't too impressed with some of the gents toilets where people using them can be seen by anyone walking past the entrance.
I was impressed with the giant cat though.

The flight to Rabat was fine - it wasn't full and we had 3 seats for the two of us. There was also more legroom than we were expecting.
We left the clouds shortly before crossing the Straights of Gibraltar.
The airport in Rabat is definitely 'old school' (there is a new terminal building currently being built) without any electronic check on documents to be seen.

After being let into the country we were collected by SWMBO's bother (with a car - not a camel) and had a history and culture lesson on the drive down to his house.
Their house is HUGE! 
Slightly OTT for 2 of them I have to say, but gorgeous... complete with swimming pool and dragonflies.

(10 shots Here .... although the bear has sneaked out of place)

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