
By SueAsh2013

Sketches by Pontormo in San Lorenzo

Penultimate day of our culture-fest. The church of San Lorenzo is stunning in its 'restraint' with Donatello's famous pulpits amongst other marvels adorning the space.

It is probably a bit excessive to say that the mid to high Renaissance leave me a bit cold... my art history favourites are Romanesque and Gothic. It was a real delight, though, to head down to the museum to see varioys earlier artworks, reliquaries and a small series of fabulous sketches, discovered beneath the Donatello panels during restoration.

Other highlights of the day where Michelangelo's powerful, sharp and breathtaking library (with a bonkers floor) ... and supper at Quinoa ... a gluten free restaurant in the courtyard of a church at the end of 'our' street!

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