For the family

By RonaMac

What a day!

We knew that things were going to be difficult today and had done as much as possible to prepare.

I had an appointment for an endoscopy investigation under sedation at Derby Royal Infirmary this morning. A number of factors meant that I needed to have patient transport, a first for me. I was ready for collection by 8am having done the ironing and watched the squirrel visitor from yesterday back on the feeder.

It was a taxi from Burton that collected me just before 9 and got me there in good time. A very pleasant young man who chatted away, we had an interesting conversation. 

I wasn’t looking forward to this procedure, to be honest I was scared stiff. The unit and staff were superb and most efficient. I was given sedation, but was aware of everything happening; from the 3 lots of anaesthetic sprayed into my throat, passing the bronchoscope, taking the biopsy, then putting warm salty water into the airways before sucking it back out. My responses to all of this was not pleasant, but the nurse holding my hand reassured me and said what to do, as we went along, as the gagging, coughing and choking were to be expected. I kept my eyes tightly closed throughout it all, not tempted to look at the monitors. A bit of a nightmare. 

The next couple of hours in recovery being monitored and given coffee and biscuits when the effects of anaesthetic spray had worn off. I was famished and so thirsty. I was even given a little bag with a packed lunch to start there and finish at home. 

2pm saw me on my way home in a patient transport vehicle, being driven by an ambulance driver, as I’d had the sedation. I certainly felt well cared for during the whole event. I was a bit of a wreck, with my sore croaky throat and coughing. Things have improved a bit this evening. 

There was a fair bit of hanging around before ‘the game kicked off’, but time wasn’t wasted and I got the latest Ted sewn up. It distracted me. Before bed time I’ve got him stuffed and finished.

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