
By SparseRunner


Last night I made plans to get a bus to Leirvík – the first village on the island (Eysturoy) to the south of Borðoy – walk over the hills to the next village (Norðragøta), watch Víkingur (Gøta) II play Suderoy, and get the bus back. However, on my way to the bus terminus, I checked the timetable and spotted that the day’s services on the 400 were now cancelled (due to the strike). I went as far as the bus stop in the road out of Klaksvík, and tried to hitch for a bit, but then the rain came on, and I decided that it wasn’t worth trying, so walked back to the apartment. There I got stuck into programming, completing something that I expect will keep a major client happy.

In the evening, I went into the centre of Klaksvík – it’s about 5 minutes’ walk – to the new cultural centre (see extra) for the concert I’d booked a couple of weeks ago. Straight Ahead – from Klaksvík – are the original Faroese rock band, and celebrating 50 years. In a great wee concert hall – packed with about 500 people – it began with a couple of pieces of Bach from a string quartet with an oboist, then one song each from a teenage and adult rock band. Then, the current incarnation of Straight Ahead played three numbers, one with the original keyboard player. The half ended with the remaining original members coming on stage to be presented with civic awards, and bouquets of flowers! In the second half, the keyboard player led most of the numbers and another older guy did some of the lead singing. Clearly they were playing the hits, and the audience participation was infectious. It was very enjoyable, light and melodic rock, and the atmosphere was good. Still daylight when I left at 22:10, there was a bit of a pretty sunset looking out to Klakkur and Kunoy – my destination for tomorrow, my last full day in the Faroe Islands. I have a plan that is independent of bus transport!

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