
By SparseRunner


This morning I took a break from programming and went to the alcohol shop to recycle my bottles and cans. I returned with two cans of each of three beers from the Oy brewery, including an interesting-looking porter. On my way back I called in at the Tourist Information to ask whether the buses were affected by the strike. They are, and it's uncertain what will be running on Monday. The best advice was to book a taxi, so that's what I did when I got back in. It's an 80-minute journey, so it'll cost quite a bit, but less than a missed flight. Looking positively, I'll have the morning for a final wander around Klaksvík, rather than having to leave at 07:30 to take the bus.

The sky cleared at the end of the afternoon, so I went out for some fresh air, taking this view of Háfjall. It definitely looks easier from below than when I stood at the bottom of the first notch on the skyline yesterday!

I'm gradually adjusting to the reality of leaving here on Monday: as well as the recycling, I'm planning not to have spare groceries that can't be taken back, and charging the hoover so I can get up the worst of five weeks gathered dust. I've also been making arrangements for someone who will be visiting me at work on Wednesday.

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