
By KateH

Up at the farm

As i was offered asparagus if I showed myself at the sorting shed I wandered up there at lunchtime.  The staff were understandably slightly suspicious but eventually told me to help myself.  

The shed itself was freezing cold and the crates of asparagus were piled high.   I grabbed a handful and a quick photo.  Emerging into what now felt like summer warmth I rushed home to make impromptu soup but realised I didn’t have any cream so will hold off for now.  Asparagus soup is, to my taste of the nicest things about the season.  The very essence. 

I spent most of the day viewing the remaining shows for the  award I’m judging. In the afternoon we had a two hour zoom with the jury as part of the judging session.  Winner and nominees relatively painlessly sorted out. 

I did a bit of gardening before dinner and then Vikram and I watched another chilling episode of Ripley.  It’s not something I feel I need to binge, each episode is so intense and contained.   Hardly any dialogue in this one. 

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