Meall Circuit
A long remote 25k circuit from Brig o’Turk following the Glen Finglas Reservoir, steadily climbing before heading up Glen Meann and a high pass to circle Meall Cala. I reached the summit too early to have lunch, plus it was very windy, so I began the long descent eventually arriving back at the head of the reservoir after several refreshment stops.
This will make a good practice run for the Lairig Grhu and a good reminder for the Camino del Norte about walking on already tired legs.
The weather was perfect and although the road stretched out endlessly before me I finished ahead of schedule and with plenty of time to stop at the Brig o’Turk tearoom. Very glad I’d left Islay with the dog walker, there were several cattle to negotiate including calves and a docile, I had to assume, bull.
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