Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings

I spent a long time in the reserve this morning watching the sedge warblers (as here) and reed buntings (extras).  They seem quite happy living in the same small patch.  I was trying to get shots as close up as possible, but with half the reserve still closed that means the only option is standing still on the boardwalk and hoping they will come to me.  They are both such lovely little birds, the reed bunting a little bigger and heavier at just over 15 cms and the sedge warblers (nearer to 13 cms) like little sparks of lightning.

The rest of the day has been quiet, though rather a lot to do around the house.  I did take the camera out again briefly at lunchtime, just down to Tom's track and heard a little of his plans to bring livestock back to the other side of the Nun's Stream - white cattle to begin with, then possibly New Forest ponies and even goats.  Now that would be fun. 

Now I have an apology to make.  I'm sorry to say I haven't put the next notice about WFW on the challenges page.  I shall do so now - but to remind you, we finished #WFW24_05 last Saturday midnight so are now onto #WFW24_06 until this Saturday.  If you've put the wrong tag on any entry you can always change it to the correct one and I'll try to let people know if I see any that aren't right.

Take care  xx                                 

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