Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Today I woke up late (and feeling much better, thank you for all your kind messages).  Because it was such a grey day I decided to go into town to catch a people shot but mistimed my journey badly.  By the time I got there is was raining enough to be a nuisance so I grabbed a coffee expecting the rain to have gone by the time I'd finished.  Haha!  When I came out again it was pouring!  But as you see, I got my shot.

This is a well known Winchester face.  He is nearly always there on market days and I think may have been given something semi-official to do.  I feel I should know his name but I don't.  He's very shy.  Anyway, he was out of the rain under St Maurice's Covert and I was (almost) out of the rain under a stall awning, so I grabbed this shot.

The town was not enormously busy but the vintage King Alfred buses were giving rides from the Broadway.  Perhaps I should have blipped some faces related to that, but by the time I got there it was just too wet so I came home instead.

Hope your day has been fun - and drier!!  xx

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