Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Long to rain over us

Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi

A very wet day.  Despite the goings on in London I decided to go blip wildflowers in the rain.  However, as I was passing the cathedral it was impossible not to notice the west doors open and a huge number of people watching the Coronation on big screens.  So I hung around for a while - as you do!  The resulting shot is in Extras.

After that I continued on to Clausentum Fen where I found the first ragged robins out, hardly able to stand up to the weight of water being hurled at them.  One of my very favourite wildflowers, so of course my blip for today.

Reminder:  the WFW23_05 challenge comes to an end at midnight tonight, so from tomorrow we're rolling over to WFW23_06. Hearts and Hon Mentions for _05 will be announced in my journal mid week.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend  xx

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