
By TrishaR

Friday in Trieste

Awake early and out about 9am heading for breakfast .  

S wanted to walk up to the Victory Lighthouse away on the other side of Trieste, visible from the harbour of course.  It looked further away than it actually was, a 50 min walk away, uphill.

We marched on and arrived hoping to get up to the top for tremendous views over Trieste city but alas, it was shut to the public till 3pm!!  Lesson learned, check opening times…. I did have a slight moan…. We decided to get the public bus back down into town centre.  Seemingly you tap your credit card which we did but nothing seemed to come off it.  Oh well a free bus trip.

We went back to the apartment as it was close by as the rain was coming on…..  

Out we went for lunch to a place nearby, it was nice.  Nothing fancy but tasty.

We noticed there was an exhibition of the Brazilian photographer and photo journalist Sebastião Salgado.  He is a master of his craft and this exhibition was all about his time (many times over the years) with the indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest and of course documenting the destruction taking place there.  I found it a fascinating story of the tribes.  He sets up an outdoor studio of sorts in an area of whatever tribe he is staying with and they choose whether they want to have their picture taken or not.  The stories are just unreal I learned so much.  Fabulous pictures and exhibition.  

We went for some food after this.  It was raining, we had food and then went back to the apartment and settled in there for the rest of the evening.  It’s an apartment like a home anyway, no hardship!

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