
By TrishaR

Thursday in Trieste

According to Lonely Planet a few years ago Trieste was one of the most underrated travel destinations in Europe.  Fun Fact.  Not that this was the reason for staying here!

Our apartment is superb.  I would say one of the top three ever stayed in.  Every possible comfort is catered for and even has a proper quality hairdryer not some piddly one with heat equivalent to your own breath!

Today we went to a Cafe close by the apartment called Caffe Tommaseo founded in 1830 in the Habsburg era.  It was beautiful old furnishings, quite large and one area had a bookstore.  Of course the coffee is tremendous.  Could you ever get a bad coffee in Italy?  Trieste is the city of coffee, the Illy brand comes from here and 40% of Italy’s coffee is supplied from here.

I had scrambled egg and toast along with my coffee setting myself up for a morning sightseeing.

We walked down to Trieste’s Grand Canal, along the waterfront passing The Trieste Girls, interesting story of the statue but too long to write!  The buildings are a mix of styles given that it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and was given to Italy after WW1.  Interesting stories attached to this part of Italy.

We walked some more and stopped to watch some action taking place in one of the big squares facing the sea and then a sit down in another old Cafe for more coffee!  Need fuelled up for all the walking.  I have forgotten my Fitbit charger so am missing my daily count of steps .

More walking and then we found a fab restaurant for some food.  It was very tasty but I can’t recall the name of the dish I had!  

After another wander we decided to head back to the apartment for the feet up and a cuppa, popping into the biggest and best Aldi I’ve been in for some provisions ie snacks and yogurts!  So much choice of food so much different than what we get I was jealous of their selection.

I noticed there was a Van Gogh exhibition on at the Contemporary Arts museum so we walked along to it.  When we passed earlier it was queued out and there was some queue but it was the final 1.5 hours of the day.  The manageress was letting only 10 people in.  S and I were 11 and 12 but I smiled at her and she let us in too.

The exhibition was brilliant.  I’ve been to the immersive in Edinburgh last summer but this was different.  His story is so sad.  It went into a lot of depth with his paintings of that time there in place and also a small musical video in a room.  It was very good too.  We really enjoyed this.

Trieste is also  big in music and arts they have Les Mis coming in November at their Opera House that would be great to go to.

We were shattered after on the go all day so headed back to apartment .

A good day.

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