Da 4th of July

The day turned out to be hot and humid. It was 95 to 1oo degrees. Whew-eee!
My job of cooking chicken was steamy, but it sure tasted good.

I was hoping that they would call off the kickball game. They didn't. Back when I was a fair athlete...I would relish the game. Almost be salivating. Now...I just want it to be over. Our family team lost to the home team 7-3. Always fun...but too hot.

Most went into the pond after the game. If they listened to my instructions coming off the dock...they made the Blip. My brother in the lower right corner made it twice...just for his daring. I wanted to leave my sister out for plugging her nose, but it was her place...so I thought I better include her.

The Merrick man (grandson) made it as a naked farmer. My daughter yelled..."Dad, get your camera." Before I could get it out...the little man was peeing on my cooler.

The food was great, the company always nice, Dad and Sis made homeade ice cream, and the big tree provided some great shade.

If we could only have won the kickball game. Nothing worse than obnoxious winners. They even showed up in matching T-shirts this year...WITH THEIR NAMES ON THE BACK!!! My brother (the diver) tried to top them with bright green shorts with his athletic supporter on the outside of his shorts, an I LIVE FOR KICKBALL shirt, and he got out of his car to the tune..."Can't touch this." That should have been our first clue that we were going down.

We're going to skip the big fireworks, and go back to my sisters farm for some small fireworks.

Put 'er in LARGE to see the jumpers. That's Sadie the dog in the center. We really didn't throw the goat in.

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