
By spannarama

Early purple orchid

Beautiful day today.  We had a leisurely morning, then went for a long, leisurely walk around the Cairn after lunch.  I say long - it felt like we took just about every path in there, and we finally found the Bailey's Cleave clearing which we'd missed last time we looked for it - but we only actually walked about 2.5 miles in total.  I was excited to see a few of these 'early purple' orchids about.  We also saw masses of wild garlic - and, worryingly, some Japanese knotweed (will make sure to report the latter).

Had a pretty relaxed afternoon and evening after that.  Enjoying the start of the long weekend!

Had an exciting message today from a lovely lady I met in an artists' collective shop in town, saying that she thought that my photography would be a good fit for the pop-up stand in the shop, and that they currently had some slots free for the summer.  I sent an email with a few of my local photos to the founders, and now await their decision...!

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