
By Grammy

A Happy Young Man

We got up early again today. It rained during the night but skies were clear by 6:00 am. Hubby met his Adopt-A-Highway crew at 7:00 to clean their designated stretch of road. It is very close to a store that sells alcohol. Among other trash, he picked up over 40 empty miniature bottles. I cooked some bacon for breakfast next week, gathered the linens and washed the first of three loads of laundry. Hubby took all our supplies to the camper and I put them away. We made lunch and then got busy with housework. I like everything to be shining when I walk back inside after a trip. I got my blip early, see the extra. I had no idea my clematis was blooming until I planted the daffodil bulbs in the formal garden yesterday. Then Jamie called and asked if I’d take him to pick up Parker’s car, a big surprise. Parker has been looking for a vehicle since he got his learner’s permit. He has been negotiating a loan from the National Bank of Grammy (or as my kids used to say, …of Mom). Of course, I knew about the car his parents were getting, so I slow rolled a loan for anything he found and someone else always bought it first. I think Parker learned a lot about shopping for vehicles though. We gave him the new Consumer Reports Car Issue and we talked to him about why he should or should not consider any he found. We were heading to 5:00 Mass when his dad got to the house so we made a quick detour to see his reaction. That boy worked so hard not to shed happy tears. Knowing we had to leave, Parker gave me such a nice warm hug of thanks. After Mass, he and his Dad drove it over so we could get a better look. Jamie knows the owner and it looks brand new, inside and out. It has low mileage so hopefully he’ll have it for many years. I truly believe Parker appreciates this gift and will take care of it. He will probably pay his dad back at least part of the cost. He spent all day doing yard work with his “business partners”/3 lacrosse friends. I hope your day was as productive and special as ours. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “One of the best things in life is when you hug your grandson and he hugs you back even tighter.” -

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