
By amandoAlentejo


Picked about twenty grapefruit to take to England with us, plus around a hundred oranges, some lemons, and enough rosemary and bay leaves to set up a stall. Gutted that my favourite purple figs will ripen while we are away - enjoy the treat, magpies!

Left plenty fruit on the trees for our return, plus, as you can see, this year's harvest is already forming - bit early, I think.

Unfortunately, will have to go to Reguengos tomorrow, as we forgot the Sharish gin, shame.

- all this healthy bounty to share
- Mike packing up the marmalade, olives, olive oil, wine, and various Brazilian treats (available here because of all the Brazilian immigrants)
- enough sun and wind to dry a wash (though it did get sprinkled on and had to be rehung under cover for a bit)

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