Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wild garlic

After the rain yesterday and last night, it was a lovely sunny day today. I decided to go back to the area where the wild garlic is growing so profusely to get more photos, as can be seen here. The bluebells are also growing there and are still looking lovely.

Today has been a busy day as tomorrow evening it is the camera club committee meeting so I have been collating reports from all the committee members to go into the minutes. Then tonight we have our annual nature competition, which will be held on zoom as the judge lives far away. In addition to attending the zoom competition, we have friends coming for supper tonight - Mike is Gavin's most long standing friend, they have been friends since primary school and he is visiting London from South Africa. They are only in London for a very limited time hence the dinner had to be tonight, so it will be interesting juggling serving dinner and being on zoom! I have been preparing food today so hopefully it will go off okay, but there will be seven of us for supper so it does involve some work.

Tomorrow will be another busy day as I have to go to London for a Skinner's lunch, and then in the evening I have the committee meeting. 

P the dogwalker became a parent for the first time yesterday, so I have bought a baby present for him and his wife, it is such fun buying baby things!

Tommy started work today, he has now entered the world of daily commutes to London and trying to juggle a full working day and managing to fit in his daily gym, preparing food to take to work etc. He will soon work it out. 

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