michigan man

By outdoorguy

Guest Photographer

When Sarah visits her parents on the 5th floor, she always likes to go picture-taking with me. So, this morning at 7 a.m. sharp, we were off.

Apparently, the shorebirds didn't get the memo. There weren't many around.

We were about ready to leave when the blue heron showed up. Then a great white egret, then some wooing and cooing sea gulls, and the finally a pelican. At least we got something

I let Sarah use my new camera, and...let's just say she USED my new camera. With my back-up, I took 342 shots, which I thought was excessive. Sarah? She took a WHOPPING 1,305 pictures! WHAT?

I don't think she realized that when you keep pressing the shutter button, the camera continues to take.

She did get some nice shots. Several years ago, I told her to fill the frame, and I think she took my advice literally. Now, after glancing through her shots, she needs to back off a little to give the subject a little space around the edges. Live and learn

Sarah is pictured in my extras...intently snapping away. She is a ball of fire, always on the go and always doing something.

We're pretty much packed, with a few last minute things to do. Onward and homeward.

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