
By tridral

Blodau gogoneddus

Blodau gogoneddus ~ Glorious flowers

“He followed Tulshuk Lingpa a few hundred yards up the glacier. The rainbows ahead of them seemed so close he could now practically scoop them up in his hands. The wind swept down the old surface from the heights and the sky beyond. Suddenly the breeze turned warm and fragrant. The thin crystalline mountain air was bringing with it the scent of the most glorious herbs and flowers. He breathed deeply the fragrant air, and the smell of saffron filled his lungs. Tulshuk Lingpa was walking just ahead of him. His sight, however, was set on the rising greenery beyond the glacier from whence issued this beautiful smell. ”
― Thomas K. Shor, (‘Chapter 20 - Opening the Gate’, A Step away from Paradise, City Lion Press, 2017, p.221)

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Roedden ni’n gweithio yn yr ardd (ymhlith pethau arall) heddiw. Tra Nor’dzin yn gweithio gyda phlanhigion roeddwn i’n gweithio ar ben yr ardd yn gorffen rhai o'r paratoad ar gyfer y caban newydd. Dydyn ni ddim wedi ei archebu eto oherwydd rydyn ni’n dal yn gofyn cwestiynau i’r gwneuthurwr, pan fyddan ni'n cael yr atebion byddan ni’n gwneud yr archeb. O leiaf mae’r decin yn barod.

Rydw i'n siŵr bod fy ffotograffau ar amser hon o unrhyw flwyddyn yn yr un peth - blodau. Rydw i'n eu mwynhau bob blwyddyn yn y gwanwyn, ac yr haf, yr hydref, a hyd yn oed yn y gaeaf. Ond mae'r gwanwyn pan maen nhw'n ymddangos fel pe baent yn ffrwydro.

Nawr mae'r asalea yn ei blodeuo. Weithiau mae'n edrych fel pe bai rhywun wedi troi golau ymlaen y tu mewn iddo. Mae'n eithaf ysblennydd.

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We were working in the garden (among other things) today. While Nor'dzin was working with plants I was working on top of the garden finishing some of the preparations for the new cabin. We haven't ordered it yet because we are still asking questions to the manufacturer, when we get the answers we will make the order. At least the decking is ready.

I'm sure my photographs at this time of any year are of the same thing - flowers. I enjoy them every year in spring, and summer, autumn, and even in winter. But spring is when they seem to explode.

Now the azalea is blooming. Sometimes it looks as if someone has turned on a light inside it. It's quite spectacular.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Asalea yn ei blodeuo
Description (English): Azalea in bloom

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