Big red

First of all thank you to all that went to visit Honourable son N°2's journal and left comments - most kind and very much appreciated by him.

This is the Red-veined Darter or Nomad (Sympetrum fonscolombii) is a dragonfly of the genus Sympetrum. There is genetic and behavioural evidence that S. fonscolombii is not closely related to the other members of the Sympetrum genus and will at some time in the future be removed from this genus.

We were down at the usual haunt today, chasing chasers ... no not that sort ...

We met a lovely woman from La Mairie who was counting butterflies - we got talking and it turns out that the place is a permanent réserve de chase - which means no hunting - never! But also it has got some sort of ecology and naturalist lable that means it is going to be protected and planted with insect and animal attracting plants.
I told her that I was there virtually every day and that there are lots of species here, which she wasn't aware of - she scribbled away in her notepad and asked if I had a website - which I gave her, along with the link to blip.

She then asked if I would be willing to come along to the nature committee of the local and district council to give a talk and show my photos - at which I said yes.

I'll have to start getting clued up a lot better than I am at the moment - especially on insects - a sort of cricket ... maybe, wouldn't sound too good at a presentation, now would it!

I've just noticed that I have had the VR switch on my lens set to off, which reduces movement blur .... DER

Today's music link is by Gérard de Palmas - J'en rêve encore
Hope you enjoy it and are having a good Tuesday!

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