jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Creation Station

One of the amazing shape masks we made this morning! I love my job <3

Bean and Bear had a grand old time with Steve while I was out: both had a second breakfast, playtime with blocks and cars, some tv as usual; I got home in time to cuddle Bear while Bean went off to preschool, and then before I'd managed to get all the washing up loaded into the various machines my legs said a big fat NO.

Coffee on the sofa time, thank you hubby!!

And then because errands don't wait, my legs had to just deal with it and I took Bear for a wrapped walk into town to run errands before picking Bean up again. Straight into the garden when we got home, before Bean ran back inside to change into his Spiderman outfit - sometimes those kids drive me up the wall, but somehow they manage to do it while actually playing really nicely together!! It's not even a them vs me thing, they just manage to find something that they're really into (like digging with hands and feet in the dirt patch just before tea's ready when they've specifically been told not to) and submerge themselves in it, no heed to anything or anyone else... They didn't get the bath they were apparently hoping for though, just a wipe down in the kitchen before tea!! Hah.

Poor legs. I'm going to bed FAR too late at the moment, trying to fit so much into an evening while the boys sleep, that my legs just aren't getting the chance to recuperate before the onslaught of the next day. I WILL go to bed before midnight tonight - and I DON'T need to be out of the house before 9am in the morning tomorrow!

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