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Made Lucy (the swim teacher) laugh this morning. She was asking us if we'd have another baby. I said yes of course, just not yet, and told her about the little dress I'd bought the other day. Broody, me?! Surely not...

Ben was not forgotten today! Hurrah! I got home from swimming with a fast asleep Charley and had time for a shower in peace. Ben and Steve came home and told me about the morning. Ben is talking to people more. Not whispering! He is growing again. I need to download the preach - it was good, from what I hear. Steve says it was about dealing with disappointment. Apt...

I was a boat while Steve made lunch. Ben came and sat down, and Charley reached out for a cuddle, which Ben smiled at and gave him such a cuddle. Gosh it melts me how much they love each other!

Stuart and Hayley's house for tea, and a happy afternoon for Ben playing with their children, a happy afternoon for me playing with hama beads (I made a spirit-filled squirrel who, as random as he/she is, will live as a memory of half an hour of doing something so utterly theraputic as hama bead design is, with no Ben clamouring for attention and Charley happy on someone else's knee watching, totally for myself for no readon other than it was there!) (oh yeah the spirit filled bit is because we were debating which side was the side you displayed. Some people like the melty side, some like the holy side. I decided that as we were spirit-filled Christians it should be the holy side in that case...), a happy afternoon for Charley who has decided Hayley's not so bad after all, so long as she doesn't run away with him, and a happy afternoon for Steve helping Stuart put a new roof on the carport and not burning any window frames or burning holes in pipes. At all.

Home late, kitchen sorted out, bed very very late, time now to sleep :)

This is Robert. He gathered the chickens up and put them away to stop the foxes getting them :)

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