Look Out

By chrisf

Castlerigg Stone Circle

I travelled north this morning to visit Castlerigg stone circle, which I have somehow missed over the years of visiting the Lakes. They are Neolithic creations, this one is reckoned to be about 5200 years old. So long before the Romans, and before the druids too. It would be good to know their purpose, it’s all lost in the mists of time, so anything people say is just speculation. There are some pretty bonkers explanations of course, which I think are way off the mark. But they must have been important in terms of how societies functioned in the Stone Age.

It was incredibly windy, and threatening to get very wet too, so I didn’t stay long. I headed on to visit Rheged, new to me, and then had a stroll around Penrith. The centre looked a bit down at heel, but then many previously thriving places do in 2024.

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