Living Geography

By geoblogs

It's a secret

Final full day in Iceland for a while today. Breakfast was good again, and then out for the Golden Circle day in more sunshine. Started out heading up round Ingolfsfjall to Thingvellir. First there so quiet, and down along the gorge. Down via Laugarvatn to the ice cream farm at Efstidalur - chocolate ice cream for me. Along to Geysir, where I had a delicious lunch in the guides and drivers' room and met up with a driver I worked with before. Onwards to Gullfoss, which was too cold to stay long, then up and over the frozen Hvita to the Secret Lagoon - an alternative to the Blue Lagoon. Back to the accommodation via Bonus and settled in after the evening meal for some aurora watch and a few final Einstoks.

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