
By Boomerang

23 hour day

After reminding several people to put their clocks forward by an hour, both Nick and I completely forgot to do so ourselves and it was only when I saw the unfamiliar angle of the sunlight hitting the garden as I peered out of the bedroom window that I realised our omission! Fortunately, no harm done,
 although it did leave me one hour short of time to finish off various tasks such as making the fudge icing on the chocolate cakes (extra) for afternoon tea at the village hall.
We had a most enjoyable Easter service at church where various members of our small congregation shared a variety of short reflections about their reasons to rejoice. 
Afterwards, fourteen cousins of three different generations, aged from six weeks to nearly 70 years, came to visit and for a couple of hours we sat in the sunshine in the garden, drinking tea and  catching up on the past year since they last visited Mull.
After they had all departed, Bertie and I had a late walk and came across this beautiful slow worm. We don’t see so many as we used to so this was a delightful way to end the day before enjoying a relaxing evening.

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