Shy goose

More often than not, N will take Bertie for his morning walk, allowing me to get on with things at home. However this morning, N was booked to help dismantle the shed belonging to M, our local dog trainer, as she is moving her training sessions from one field to another, just next door to us. Bertie and I had a lovely walk in the sunshine and on our return we came across a group of greylag geese sharing a field with a flock of sheep. The sheep were very interested in us as we walked by but the geese didn’t want to know and hurried off in the opposite direction.
During the morning, “somebody opened the oven door” and we suddenly had a warm, spring day. N, Bertie and I spent a lovely time at the community orchard with a couple of friends. N got on with making a large, sturdy work bench while the rest of us completed the grafting. 
Bertie loved his time wandering round the orchard. He has become a bit of a local celebrity amongst some of the school children and when we drove through the village a group of young girls got very excited, calling his name when they spotted him peering out of the open window of the car.

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